No Indian cuisine, from curries to chutneys, would be complete without a mustard tempering. To extract the whole flavour, crackle it in hot oil. You may also dry roast and powder it to make a crunchy snack mix.
Black pepper, commonly referred to as “black gold,” is a fantastic seasoning for stews, soups, snacks, and rich gravies. It was once considered as being so valuable that ancient communities used it as currency.
All invisible germs and bacteria are destroyed by using Unimaid floor cleaner. It is a powerful cleanser that makes your cleaning task much simpler. It has a nice and calming jasmine scent, which helps to the preservation of nature’s serenity around us.
The Kashmiri chilli is not really from Kashmir. It’s a type of chilli that has been selected for its vibrant colour and mild heat. Use it when you want to give your food colour without making it extremely spicy.
The sweetness of fennel makes it an essential ingredient in Indian desserts. It is also believed to help with digestion and is chewed after meals to help with breath freshening.