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What Spices Are Safe To Consume And To Avoid During Pregnancy?

The Unifolks, the top spice company, can make sure you are never too far from the distinctly pure Indian spices of home cooking if you want to know which spices to eat and which to avoid while pregnant. This page might assist you in learning which spices you should consume or stay away from while pregnant. In order to preserve the memories of the wholesome, genuine, and wholesome food prepared in your family kitchen, we invite you to make your own mouth watering feast using our mix of spices.

No matter your lifestyle or eating habits, pregnancy comes with a lot of restrictions. Every kitchen has a special place for our spices. For the health of both you and your child, it is best to steer clear of several spices while pregnant. Let’s now go into greater depth about which spices are safe to consume while pregnant and which should be avoided.

4 spices to eat while pregnant


Cardamom is an integral ingredient of many Indian dishes, and for those who enjoy drinking tea, it is a spice that provides great pleasure. If you use cardamom during pregnancy in moderation, it is extremely safe. It is also a useful spice for nausea caused by pregnancy. Women with anemia might frequently consume cardamom or add a pinch to their food.


Consuming turmeric while pregnant is safe. Pregnant women can benefit greatly from the curcumin ingredient in our turmeric powders. Consuming curcumin-rich foods can reduce inflammation. One of the greatest spices to use to treat heartburn when pregnant is turmeric. Additionally, frequent turmeric ingestion has been reported to aid in the baby brain’s development.


One of the safest spices to eat while pregnant is our black pepper. This can be quite beneficial during pregnancy if consumed in moderation. It increases the body’s illness resistance, which is important during pregnancy. Black pepper is a natural remedy for issues including acid reflux, indigestion, and heartburn during pregnancy. Additionally, consuming more pepper in your diet is the best home cure for colds and coughs during pregnancy.


India is the world’s greatest producer and user of cumin, which is used as a medicinal herb in Indian cooking. Many Indian cooks use our cumin powder in regular dishes. Consuming a small amount of cumin while pregnant is safe. Overdosing on cumin may cause unpleasant side effects including heartburn or elevated body temperature. It helps with pregnant gas problems and inflammation reduction.

4 spices to avoid while pregnant


It is best to avoid or consume them in moderation during pregnancy as coriander and coriander seeds are said to be dangerous. Phytoestrogen causes uterine contractions to be induced. These seeds are said to be used in Ayurveda to cleanse the uterus and to trigger the menstruation following pregnancy. Additionally helpful for treating hormone imbalances and promoting breastfeeding. It is obvious from this that it must only be consumed occasionally.

Sesame seeds

Natural abortion methods are used with sesame seeds. Because they can stimulate uterine muscles, trigger contractions, and ultimately cause the fertilized egg to be expelled, sesame seeds should be avoided when pregnant.


One of the popular Indian spices, hing, is used extensively in Indian cuisine. Hing is believed to treat all menstrual issues since it stimulates the uterus. Miscarriage can occur as a result of eating too much. Your blood pressure may be affected by hing. Abiding effects of hing can cause miscarriage and menstruation if taken in excess while pregnant.


One of the spices to avoid when pregnant is this one. It raises the possibility of miscarriage, according to research. Various vitamins are typically prescribed to pregnant women. In some situations, peppermint can interfere with the way these medications are absorbed, depriving the body of their medicinal benefits.

Pregnancy is where the amazing journey to motherhood begins. A pregnant woman has to eat a diet that is healthful, balanced, and includes lots of fruits and vegetables. Although there is no proof that spicy meals are harmful during pregnancy, they can cause some digestive discomfort, particularly if you are not used to consuming spicy foods. Consuming some spices would be good for your health, as will ordering Indian spices from Unifolks online.

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  • Riva Collins

    March 17, 2021 - 7:46 am

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  • Obila Doe

    March 17, 2021 - 7:47 am

    It’s no secret that the digital industry is booming. From exciting startups to need ghor fore
    global and brands, companies are reaching out.

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